Saturday, December 12, 2009

Re: Accouting book

Please take note that the accounting book that we are going to use for next year is
"Accounting 7th edition"
published by John Wiley & Sons
Authors: John Hoggarts, Lew Edwards, John Medlin, Mecil Tillings

This book is available in KBU library. Miss Jenny allows us to photostat the book. As I know, some of the chapters might not be in our syllabus and can be omitted. Don't worry, I will update my blog from time to time.
Kindly pass this message around as there are some of them who haven't create a blog yet. Thank you.

Friday, December 4, 2009

RE: Homework

Attention guys,

Miss Chan will update more exercises from time to time.
So, please do visit as often as possible.

Take care.